Adrenal fatigue - Optimal Hormone Solutions

What is adrenal fatigue?

Adrenal fatigue is a term used to describe a collection of non-specific symptoms such as body aches, fatigue, nervousness, sleep disturbances and digestive issues. It is thought to occur when the adrenal glands become overtaxed and unable to produce adequate levels of hormones like cortisol to maintain normal physiological functions.

The adrenal glands are two small glands that sit on top of your kidneys and play an integral role in the body's response to stress. Some key facts about adrenal fatigue:

While adrenal fatigue is not an official medical diagnosis, many hormone specialists recognize the cluster of symptoms and try to help patients overcome them.

Common Causes

What are some potential causes of overtaxed, fatigued adrenals?

The adrenals can become strained if constantly trying to compensate for any of these issues over long periods of time.

Seeking Treatment

If thinking you have adrenal fatigue, it’s important to see a qualified hormone specialist to get properly tested and treated. We use cutting-edge testing and personalize treatment with diet, supplements, and lifestyle changes to rebalance the body and relieve symptoms.

Some key tests we run:

Treatment Approaches

Treatment for adrenal fatigue aims to:

  1. Reduce stress with mindfulness, yoga, massage
  2. Follow an anti-inflammatory diet
  3. Supplement micronutrients like B vitamins, vitamin C, magnesium
  4. Balance hormones with bioidenticals if needed
  5. Improve sleep hygiene

It can take time to rebuild hormonal pathways and reverse adrenal fatigue, but patients often report significant improvements in energy, mental clarity, and well-being when following a comprehensive treatment approach.

We've helped hundreds of patients overcome adrenal fatigue at Optimal Hormone Solutions.