Loss of muscle - Optimal Hormone Solutions

What is loss of muscle?

Muscle loss, also known as muscle atrophy, occurs when muscle fibers shrink or degrade as a result of disuse or disease. This leads to reduced muscle strength, mass, and performance.

Some key points about muscle loss:

Muscle loss symptoms include:

To reduce muscle loss:

Struggling with losses of strength, energy, or vitality? The caring medical team at Optimal Hormone Solutions can help identify causes with comprehensive health testing. Get custom treatment plans with bioidentical hormone therapy, nutritional supplements, and lifestyle changes tailored to your unique needs.

More severe or rapid muscle loss requires medical attention. Doctors can check for underlying illness and provide medication if appropriate. Physical therapy often helps rebuild lost strength and mass.

In summary, our muscles need regular activity and proper nutrition to maintain themselves. Various diseases, injuries, aging, and disuse can spur muscle loss, sapping strength and function. Addressing root causes, getting good nutrition and exercise, and in some cases hormone or supplement interventions can help regain what's been lost. Maintaining our muscle as we age takes diligence but pays dividends in health and vitality.

Optimal Hormone Solutions has 20 years experience helping patients optimize hormones for energy, strength,endurance and quality of life. Contact us today for a free consultation with our friendly medical team.

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