
What is perimenopause?

Perimenopause refers to the time leading up to menopause, when a woman's body makes the natural transition toward permanent infertility. It's the period when feminine hormone levels and cycles start to fluctuate and eventually taper off.

The hallmark sign of perimenopause is change. During the perimenopausal transition, which can last up to 10 years for some women, it's common to experience shifts in your monthly bleeding patterns, hot flashes, sleep troubles, and even changes in mood.

While annoying, these changes are totally normal. Here's an overview of some key things to know:

Key Things About Perimenopause

Coping With Symptoms

The good news? There are lots of ways to find relief during this transitional time:

Perimenopause marks the first day of a brand new phase of womanhood. While challenging at times, it signifies growth and marks the opening of a new, freer chapter. With some self-care and expert support when needed, you'll make it through the fluctuations with grace. This I promise!

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